Torghatten is one of the most famous sights on the Helgeland coast.

Torghatten towers as a special attraction on Norwegian Scenic Route Helgelandskysten. Tourists from all over the world come here to experience the spectacular hole in the Torghatten mountain.

The Norwegian Public Roads Administration (NPRA) will now be opening the Scenic Route project Torghatten, providing a new facilitated experience of nature and architecture for the benefit of the great number of visitors as well as local businesses.

A universally designed footpath.
A universally designed footpath has been laid from the service building towards Sørfjæra and Hattlia.

The old trail system has been upgraded and made accessible as a safe circular walk, with contributions from skilled Sherpas. The walk offers spectacular views, a feeling of being in a cathedral when walking through the 160-metre-long and 35-metre-high mountain hole, a magical atmosphere through the birch forest and finally the open coastal stretch down towards the sea.

The new architect-designed service building.
The new architect-designed service building.

The roof of the new architect-designed service building has been constructed with solid wood beams lying in different directions and protruding from the log-built toilet and exhibition rooms. The semi-transparent glass roof covers the wooden structure and provides light to the toilets, the exhibition and the outside area. The service area with outdoor space and seating facilities forms a natural starting point for a hike and provides shelter from the elements.

Walk with contributions from skilled Sherpas.
The spectacular hole in Torghatten appears like a mighty cathedral.

The first stage of the work on the Torghatten attraction involved necessary rockfall protection in slide-prone areas. A new parking lot with good capacity has been established, along with several bus parking bays, a bus stop and pavements, in addition to projects along the county road.

From Torghatten there is a unique view of the unique archipelago.
From Torghatten there is an impressive view of the unique archipelago.

The NPRA’s upgrading of the Torghatten attraction has been carried out in cooperation with Nordland county administration and Brønnøy municipality.

Torghatten is one of three Norwegian tourism attractions that will appear in new splendour in the summer of 2024, after many years of construction work. The two others are Gjende, on Norwegian Scenic Route Valdresflye (19 June), and Vøringsfossen, on Norwegian Scenic Route Hardangervidda (18 September).

Photo: Kitt Grønningsæter, Visit Helgeland

Architect: Atelier Oslo
Landscape architect: Østengen & Bergo
Contractor: OK Kristoffersen og Stibyggjaren AS
Contracting client: NPRA
Completed: 2024