Rest area and viewpoint Askevågen

GPS, Askevågen:
62.96705, 7.036496
Partially wheelchair accessible.
The viewing point at Askevågen provides opportunity for a close encounter with the Atlantic Ocean. The platform is located at the end of the breakwater.
The viewing point at Askevågen provides opportunity for a close encounter with the Atlantic Ocean. The platform is located at the end of the breakwater, with glass walls for protection against the weather and spray. This little point provides a 360-degree view of the ocean, the archipelago and the mountainous shore.
Map of the route
Closed for the winter
- Closed:
- Estimated open:

Photo: Werner Harstad, Statens vegvesen

Photo: Roger Ellingsen, Statens vegvesen

Photo: Roger Ellingsen, Statens vegvesen