Rest area and viewpoint Stegastein
GPS, Stegastein:
60.90836182, 7.21279388
Wheelchair accessible.
The toilet facilities areopen from early May to late Octoberng. Emptying toilets from motorhomes and caravans is not permitted.
The elegant viewing platform at Stegastein gives an illusion of hovering in space.
The viewing platform reaches 30 metres out over the pine trees. 650 metres above the Aurlandsfjord with its glass front, it provides a unique view of the fjord landscape. Stegastein stays open year-round.
The service building has been placed slightly over the edge of the cliff to allow visitors to enjoy the majestic view, while ensuring privacy to those inside.
Map of the route
Closed for the winter
- Closed:
- Estimated open:
Photo: Roger Ellingsen, Statens vegvesen
Photo: Kjetil Rolseth
Photo: Per Ritzler, Statens vegvesen
Photo: Jarle Wæhler, Statens vegvesen
Photo: Jarle Wæhler, Statens vegvesen